Téo Leclercq
Senior Consultant
His background
After four years of work-study in retail, I completed a Master's degree in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce at IESEG in Lille. It was while writing my dissertation on the adoption of an omnichannel model within a retailer subsidiary that I decided to turn my career towards consulting.
Why did you choose Univers Retail ?
When I started looking into consulting firms, I was quickly drawn to Univers Retail. The latter was aimed at the retail sector, which is where I wanted to move after my professional experience and my research dissertation.
I was also instantly struck by the values shared by this human-scale structure.
What do you like best about your current job?
I'm currently on a Change assignment with a retailer in Lille, France, and I like to understand the business processes of the different teams I meet. Each company has its own way of using a tool, and I'm always curious to discover how a customer makes it his own.
AtUnivers Retail, I like the team's spirit of initiative. Everyone pulls their weight, and every meeting with the other consultants is a good opportunity to discover, learn and share in good spirits.
What advice would you give to new recruits?
In my opinion, as a Junior, the first quality of a new recruit is curiosity. While we are required to have a basic knowledge of the business (methodological, practical, theoretical...), both the customer and the firm expect the novice consultant to beadaptable andopen-minded.
So don't hesitate to ask questions if you get stuck!
Apart from consulting, what are your passions?
I'm passionate about music and have been playing in a band for several years. This adventure has enabled us to take part in a multitude of concerts in the Lille and Paris regions, to answer a few interviews, to shoot several music videos...
Beyond the creative aspect, this artistic project was the object of some great encounters and moments!
To find out more...
Testimony of his experience