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Testimony of Charlotte Peutin, Sales and Customer Experience Manager at Chronodrive

Chronodrive includes 57 stores in mainland France. The brand a mis distribution model called vente sur quai or VSQ. Dockside sales enable customers to add an item to their order once they arrive at the loading dock. This convenient service saves customers the hassle of having to place a new order in the event of a last-minute addition or oversight.

the project

After several phases of development with Simply, Auchan and then Auchan Retail France, Chronodrive now relies on Auchan through a Service Contract for most of its point-of-sale supplies.

To ensure the long-term future of its business and boost earnings, Chronodrive has embarked on a project to improve operating efficiency and optimize operating costs by transforming its operating model.

Charlotte Peutin, Sales and Customer Experience Directorexplains why she chose Univers Retail for this project, and the benefits obtained following our intervention.

Can you introduce yourself?

Charlotte PeutinSales and Customer Experience Director at Chronodrive. I'm passionateam passionate about data-driven, customer-centric commerce: always on the lookout for the collective performance !

Could you describe Chronodrive's business?

Chronodrive pioneered the drive-thru concept 20 years ago. By 2024, our 57 stores across France will be loading groceries into customers' trunks in 30 minutes or delivering to their homes in 2 hours.

We are an online supermarket offering 10,000 products to our 300,000 customers, 7 days a week.

How did you come to useUnivers Retail 's services?

We had 3 challenges:

  • Audit our supply process and write the RACI;
  • Challenge and optimize our supply costs ;
  • Improve our stock management.

Why did you choose Univers Retail ?

Their in-depth knowledge of retail in all aspects of supply chain (logistics, IT, offering, etc.), combined with their proven expertise from numerous assignments and the proposed business model, enabled them to unanimously win the call for tenders we had includedalongside 2 other bidders.

What benefits and results have you been able to achieve thanks to Univers Retail's involvement?

A new organization and a RACI posed ainsi que des coosts supply optimized. La implementation is in progress however we are not in a position to communicate gains as this information is confidential.

How would you describe Univers Retail's support?

Responsive, committed and results-oriented.

Thanks to Charlotte Peutin for this interview.