At Univers Retail, we like to keep a close eye on innovation. In this series of articles, each week we'll take a look at a major retail company and its strategy for collaborating with start-ups in a spirit of open innovation.

What challenges does Ikea face?

Historically established in the suburbs of the world's major cities, IKEA is seeking to win over a more urban clientele who do not have their own car. To achieve this, the brand needs to improve accessibility by locating directly in cities and developing its internet sales. This must be accompanied by delivery services andomnichannel customer knowledge . In addition, IKEA seeks to invest in social and environmentally-friendly projects to uphold its brand values and offer sustainable products at competitive prices.

What areas of innovation are addressed by our partner start-ups?


> Nuwiel
Effortlessly transportable cart system for self-delivery of bulky purchases, using a bicycle

> Bumblebee spaces
Design furniture for intelligent use of apartment space

> Trusk
Urban delivery of oversized items


> Goodbag
Smart bags with planted trees and points accumulated with each use

> Adlede
AI-based, personalized and non-intrusive advertising tool

> Jidomaps & Streem
Augmented reality applications for visualizing products at home

> Task Rabbit
DIY furniture assembly network


> Bare conductive
Electrically conductive paint applied to furniture and walls

> Flow loop
Responsible shower that purifies water and controls quantity to save money

> Kaffee Form
Cups and dishes made from coffee grounds

> Skipping Rocks Lab
Edible packaging made from seaweed

How do we work together?

IKEA has its own start-up gas pedal program: the IKEA Bootcamp. Conditions for enrolment: be a start-up in a growth phase, with an experienced and committed team. In 2019 the program attracted applications from 1112 start-ups , with 36 selected. The program lasts 11 weeks with several go/nogo phases and is focused on launching in-store pilots. IKEA seeks to co-create products and services with the start-ups, which must fit into one of the following 3 axes: Affordable, Accessible, Sustainable. Ideally, start-ups can expect to count IKEA among their customers or investors.